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They were endowed with intelligence, they succeeded in knowing all that there is in the world…And they contemplated in turn the arc of heaven and the round face of the earth."

[Popol Vuh, III, Ch. 2]


Welcome to the official page of the ARX Project.

We are a group of researchers from different academic fields and nationalities, linked by a common passion for the ancient world and by the belief in the need for a multidisciplinary approach to the interpretation of ancient sites.

We conduct and sponsor expeditions globally, combining the latest technologies with a rigorous scientific method.

About Us


The ARX Project was launched in 2020 with the goal to provide a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the ancient past. We work in partnership with governmental and non-governmental institutions to advance our knowledge of human history and the origins of civilization.


We are a Mexico based non profit organization that is sustained through the work and passion of our associates, as well as through the generosity and contributions of our sponsors, both public and private. 


We constantly welcome new Team members to join in and collaborate on our projects and expeditions. Please, send us your CV or a short personal profile and we will be in touch.


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As a non-profit organization, we rely on donations and sponsorships, as well as on the work and contributions of our Associates, to support our activities. 


In addition to the the direct and immediate costs of organizing and coordinating research expeditions and conservation efforts on the ground, even a small non-profit organization such as ours faces significant expenses to keep our projects running. These include the cost of administration and accounting, tax liabilities, web-hosting fees and subscriptions, as well as many of the day-to-day expenses required to keep the lights on. Much of these costs are covered directly by our Associates, who are all volounteers and do this out of a sincere commitment to the mission and vision of the ARX Project, and do not include the countless hours spent working on projects aside from our own day-to-day jobs and our families.    


This is why WE NEED YOUR HELP, whether in the form of direct support and participation in our projects, or through your generous donations. 


If you believe like us in the importance of independent research to address the many enigmas of the ancient past and uncovering the origins of civilization, you can donate to the ARX Project either through Paypal or by becoming a patron on Patreon, following the links below.  



Each one of our projects is aimed at expanding our knowledge of ancient societies and generate new data on the origin and development of civilization.


We promote a multidisciplinary approach to the study of our past, bringing together experts from different fields such as archaeologists, geologists, architects and speleologists for the exploration and documentation of archaeological sites.


Our expeditions are conducted in the utmost respect of local regulations and cultural sensitivities, combining on-the-ground exploration with the use of non-invasive exploration and investigation techniques like LiDAR, drones, satellite imagery and ground penetrating radar.

Mesoamerican Origins
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Mesoamerican Origins

The question of the origin of Mesoamerican civilization is one that has intrigued generations of archaeologists, culture historians and anthropologists. The Olmecs, which flourished between 2,500 and 400 BC, have been long considered the earliest major civilization of Mesoamerica, expressing one of the first widespread artistic and cultural traditions in parts of what is today Mexico and Guatemala.

Since the early 1990’s, however, a new hypothesis has emerged that Mesoamerican civilization did not arise in isolation, but as part of a complex network of regional trade interactions that favored cultural exchange and the diffusion of similar artistic styles as well as pottery, stone and metalworking techniques across a wide area between western Mexico, Central and South America.  

These contacts certainly took advantage of the extensive river network of ancient Mexico and Guatemala, particularly along the Balsas and Usumacinta rivers, where some of the earliest centers of Mesoamerican civilization outside of the Gulf coast of Mexico may be found. 
By taking a Pan-American view of the development of civilization in the Americas, our mission is to document the complex mosaic of cultural influences that shaped the formative and classic period of Mesoamerican civilization. 

Our methods combine traditional exploration with the use of the latest technologies in aerial and satellite imaging to help unravel the great puzzle of Mesoamerican origins, mapping and documenting the trade corridors and original centers of civilization of the Americas. 

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Mitla, Oaxaca, Geophysical study and exploration


San Miguel Ixtapan

An Andean influence in Central Mexico?

Mission and Vision


Lost Cities of the Central Mexican Highlands



Teotihuacan underground exploration (Tunnels and caves)


We believe that modern archaeological research can benefit from a multidisciplinary approach drawing from such diverse fields as archaeology, geology, geophysics, astronomy, history, climatology and comparative mythology.

We are convinced of the potential of new technologies such as remote sensing, geophysical methods, chemical and genetic analysis to deepen our understanding of the remote past, for which we provide external support and funding.

We have a vision for the ARX Project to become a recognized force in the search for the origins of civilization through field research, publications, conferences and documentaries, and welcome both recognized scholars and independent researchers.


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The Team


Our Team consists of experts from different disciplines including archaeologists, geophysicists, speleologists, architects, engineers, photographers and digital artists.

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Articles & News


In this section we will be publishing updates from our projects and important news relevant to our fields of study.

July 23, 2024

Project Lyobaa

Project Lyobaa - Revealing the secrets of the Mitla Underworld


In september 2023, the second phase of Project Lyobaa revealed an even more extensive network of subterranean chambers and tunnels under the archaeological site of Mitla, Oaxaca. These latest findings, obtained with the use of geophysical methods, confirm the ancient legends and colonial accounts that speak of a lost subterranean labyrinth under the site, considered by the ancient Zapotecs to be an entrance to the Underworld, or Lyobaa. 

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Learn about the findings of the second season of Project Lyobaa


San Miguel Ixtapan

July 20, 2024

New megalithic discoveries


Since 2021, our team has been conducting research at the archaeological site of San Miguel Ixtapan, uncovering over a dozen megalithic stone slabs that may belong to a yet unknown civilization



June 10, 2023

Project Lyobaa - Phase 1 Update


In 2022, a joint international expedition formed of experts from the INAH, the UNAM, and the ARX Association conducted a geophysical survey of the archaeological site of Mitla to confirm the existence of subterranean chambers.


San Miguel Ixtapan

November 5, 2021

The Mexican Tiwanaku


Dozens of precisely carved megalithic stone slabs of a type unknown in Mesoamerica have been discovered near the village of San Miguel Ixtapan, Tejupilco, and may hint to a possible Andean influence in Central Mexico.



November 30, 2020

The Lost City of the Eagle


Perched on top of nearly vertical cliffs in the Mexican state of Puebla lie the ruins of a lost city of cyclopean stone platforms and pyramids, with mysterious hieroglyphs and sculptures that may date to the time of the Olmecs.



November 22, 2020

Mitla: Mexico's real Temple of Doom


Under the village of Mitla, Oaxaca, famous for its magnificent decorated palaces, lies a labyrinth of underground chambers and tombs still awaiting exploration, which the ancients believed was the entrance to the Underworld.


Sierra de Huautla

November 17, 2020

Tamoanchan: Cradle of Mesoamerican Civilization?


The Sierra of Huautla, in the central Mexican state of Morelos, may old the keys to origins of Mesoamerican civilization and the remains of an unknown megalithic culture.

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